Has it really been a month since we last talked? Sheesh. Well, what's happening? We played a delightful, if somewhat ramshackle, show at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Detroit. Not to say that the show itself was rough; it was actually a wonderful night that was exquisitely executed by the amiable peeps of MOCAD. Also, Mucca Pazza of Chicago were ridiculously talented, friendly & helpful.
No, it's just that our dang bubble machine broke mere hours before the show & then Gene cut himself on it trying to fix it! Shoot! Afterwards, Gene, LTD & I retreated to LTD's lair with Scott Masson of OFFICE , The Juliets & Fieldtree. We yucked it up 'round the fire, drank it up 'round the piano & enjoyed ourselves into the wee hours of the early morn.
Since then we've been slowly working on a new EP of four or five songs, drinking some lovely French wines, watching Scott Walker: 30 Century Man & enjoying the unusually cool summer weather. Additionally, we've garnered some new gadgets for the Fishtank & putting them to use has been great fun. Some new tracks we're delving into:
Inspired by Tarkovsky & a great desire to rock.
Inspired by the dog & perhaps Talking Heads.
Inspired by Philip K. Dick, M-Theory & alchemy.
In addition to these sonorous activities, Bem has crafted some delectable culinary compositions. Her latest muse has been the squash blossoms from the garden in yonder backyard. They've been panko-encrusted, filled with various cheeses & fried. Oh, & filled with at least one bee. Yes, Bem had to return one inadvertently trapped bee to the wild, saved from its blossom fetters & sure doom in the frying pan.
What else? Some shows coming up: August 1st at Small's & August 16th at the Garden Bowl for Fucking Awesome Fest, which seems to promise to live up to its name! Early September will see us at Schuba's in Chicago, so keep an eye out.
Below I've provided evidence that I'm not making these strange stories up:
Our new Farfisa Mini Deluxe 1 Compact Combo Organ. Needs some airing out & a little work to quiet the din of the oscillators, but she'll be humming beautifully.
New Fender Rhodes Mark 1 73-key Stage Piano & Hammond organ courtesy of LTD. A couple keys are out on the Rhodes, but nothing that can't be fixed.
Squash blossoms filled with ricotta, parmesan, mozzarella, garlic, parsley & basil. Panko & parmesan encrusted.
Penny enjoys her noodles & smoked ham.
Gene enjoys his yolk.
No one enjoys the Creamy White Frosting.
Deviled eggs with smoked ham & basil.
Ed from IT fixes a couple bugs.
The little amp is fresh from the laundry.
We put our Lithuanian foster child to work in our cake sweat shop.
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